Products Tailored for Perfect Grounds: Specialty Sands

Our Exclusive Sand Selection: Crafted for Excellence

At Specialty Sands, we understand the challenge of finding consistent, high-quality sand for your projects. That’s why we’ve committed to being more than just a supplier; we’re your partner in creating the perfect foundation, whether it’s for sports fields, golf courses, or landscaping marvels.

Our strategic partnerships and meticulous production processes ensure that our bunker sand products, including our flagship Arkansas Natural White™ and Arkansas Crushed White™ Bunker Sands, are always in stock and meet the highest specifications. Our Texas Tan™ bunker sand and specially processed topdressing sands adhere to USGA standards, guaranteeing that your grounds are not only beautiful but also built for performance.

Sand Volleyball

We provide a variety of sands to suit every need:

  • Fast-Draining Bunker Sands: Achieve the perfect angle of repose and keep your bunkers pristine with our natural white silica sands.
  • Premium Topdressing Sands: Maintain smooth and healthy sports fields and greens with our screened and processed sands.
  • Specialized Sands: From volleyball courts to equestrian arenas, our range includes the ideal texture and composition for specialized sports and activities.
  • Gravel and Aggregates: Ensure effective drainage and foundation with our reliable gravel solutions.
Specialty sand sample
Specialty sand piles
Specialty sands process plant